Assignment 12
Split into two groups and draw a UML class diagram for Hunt the Wumpus. One group will wirte the UML for the design given in in class and the other group will do a UML for an alternative design (Simon's implementation). You can do this by hand or using software (for example MS Visio or Gliffy), it's up to you. Once both groups have a UML diagram we will compare and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each design.
Add a docstring containing a sufficient set of doctest tests and a call to run those tests to the module below,
# LETTER_VALUES = {'A':1, 'B':3, 'C':3, 'D':2, 'E':1, 'F':4, 'G':2, 'H':4, 'I':1, 'J':8, 'K':5, 'L':1, 'M':3, 'N':1, 'O':1, 'P':3, 'Q':10, 'R':1, 'S':1, 'T':1, 'U':1, 'V':4, 'W':4, 'X':8, 'Y':4, 'Z':10} def scrabble_value(s): 'Returns the Scrabble score for the letters in the string s.' total_value = 0 for letter in s: total_value = total_value + LETTER_VALUES[letter] return total_value
Replace the code below that tests the function isStraight with an equivalent set of doctests. Fill in the body of isStraight and run the tests on it.
# def isStraight(hand): pass if __name__ == '__main__': # TEST_HANDS is a list containing the hands of cards to use in testing # the function isStraight, and the correct result for each hand. # Note that not all hands have five cards, and some are straights, # while some are not. TEST_HANDS = [ [[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], True], [[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ], True], [[ 14, 0, 28, 42, 4 ], True], [[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], True], [[ 5 ], True], [[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5 ], False], [[ 1, 2, 2, 5, 5 ], False], [[ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ], False] ] print 'Testing isStraight ... ' # Loop through the list of TEST_HANDS, to test each sample hand. for test in TEST_HANDS: # If the function isStraight does not return the correct # result... if isStraight(test[0]) != test[1]: # ... display an error message print 'isStraight fails on', test[0]
Use the following naming scheme for your program files:
. So your code for the the first problen of this assignment will be
(adjusted obviously to use your name). -
Please submit your
file to the Moodle dropbox.