Introduction: Persistence ∞
The topic of this module is persistence, but not of the human variety. In computer science persistence refers to the persistence of our data from one run of a program to the next. Normally all data (variables) are destroyed when a program terminates so the next run starts from scratch, but often times we want to remember the state of our program from one run to the next, or we may want to process data that is already stored on the computer, e.g. in files on disk. We do that by reading and writing data from files. You know where to go to read more!
- Persistence
- Text versus Binary Files
- Reading from text files
- Example: Searching log files
- Important note: Files are sequential
- Is there more?
- Writing to text files
- Appending to files
- Reading numeric data
- Designing file formats
- Pickling
- Shelves
- A controller for our database
- The main event loop
- Exercise 7
- Assignment 8