Default Arguments

On the previous page we improved our dice rolling function so that it could be used for dice with other than 6 sides, however this also made it more complicated to use in the most common case because we have to provide a parameter specifying the number of sides. To avoid this complication Python allows us to specify the default values of arguments. “Default” in this context means that if a value isn't given the default value is used. Here's our dice rolling function with the default number of sides set to 6.

import random

def dice_roll(sides = 6):
return random.randint(1,sides)

print('Your results are:')
print('6-sided die:', dice_roll())
print('20-sided die:', dice_roll(20))

and the output from a sample run is:

Your results are:
6-sided die: 5
20-sided die: 17

Default argument values are common throughout Python. For example the range function defaults to a starting value of 0 and a stepsize of 1.