
The first module in this course introduced the six essential imperative programming operations. There were three simple statements,

gets a value from the input stream and stores it in memory.
processes/combines/manipulates values stored in memory and stores the result in memory
sends a value to the output stream

and three control structures,

sequential processing
in which statements are executed one at a time in sequence
in which one group of statements or another, but not both, are executed
in which a group of statements is executed repeatedly

I also introduced one β€œbonus” structure: modularity. Many modern computer scientists would take issue with the bonus characterization and argue that modularization is perhaps the most fundamental structure provided by modern programming languages.

I do not disagree with their assessment. I refer to the other control structures as essential because it is logically impossible to write all programs without each and every one of them. It is possible to write a program without modularization, but extremely difficult, and the resulting program if it was ever successfully written and tested would be very difficult to modify or maintain.

Why is modularization so important? Because it enables us to

  1. reduce the complexityΒ of our programs, while at the same time allowing us to
  2. create reusable chunks of code.

We reduce complexity by using a divide and conquer strategy, i.e. taking a large program and dividing it into smaller, more manageable, pieces. If we choose our pieces carefully, we can accumulate a collection of modules that are reusable. This saves us time on future projects by allowing us to avoid reinventing the wheel.

Reducing complexity is important because there is a (small) limit to the number of things the human brain can think about at once. Cognitive psychologists often peg the capacity of short term memory at 7 plus or minus two items, because people can on average only recall between 5 and 9 items from a sequence they are given to remember. This biological limitation makes it very difficult to think about problems involving a dozen units, much less ones involving hundreds of disparate parts. One way of organizing the complexity of a large system is to divide it into hierarchies that only have a handful of items on any given level. This division is modularization. Dividing a problem well, i.e. in a way that makes the problem simpler to solve, is a skill that is developed through practice and by studying examples.

As we tackle different programming problems and projects we will build up a storehouse of modules. If we modularize our problems well we will develop a toolkit of reusable modules that we can use in the future to avoid rewriting code we have written before. Choosing modules for reusability is more objective than choosing them to reduce complexity: the main rule is to make each module do one thing, and only one thing, well, and to avoid side effects. We avoid side effects by having each module restrict its actions to as narrow a domain as possible.

Python enables modularization through the use of

  1. functions,
  2. classes, and
  3. modules.

In this module of the course we will consider the first and third of these, i.e. functions and modules. The second item, classes, is the subject of the entire third part of the course.