Exercise Sheet 1

  1. Look at the following code fragments. Each one has one small problem that will cause an error or give the wrong output. Using what you know about python math operations and SIPO programming to identify an correct the problems.


distance_km = int(input('Enter a distance in kilometers: ')
distance_km * 1.6 = distance_miles
print(distance_km,'kilometers is the same as', distance_miles, 'miles')


distance = duration * speed
speed = int(input('Enter the speed in km: '))
duration = int(input('Enter the duration of time in hours: '))


name = input('Enter your name: ') 
print('Hello name')
  1. Look at the following and think about how well the code is written. The program works correctly, so I want you to focus on the clarity of the variable names and the comments included. Look at the marking guide and think about what grade you would give to this code. Make some notes on the feedback you would give to this student to help them improve their grade.
# annual_income.py
# This program calculates how mush someone maeks

w = float(input('Enter how much you make: '))
h = float(input('Enter your hours: '))

total = w * h * 52

print('You make',total, 'dollars.')
  1. Write a program that gets a distance in inches from the user and converts to a distance in centimeters (1 in is the same as 2.54 cm). Print the converted value.

  2. Write a program that gets a weight in pounsd from the user and converts to a weight in kg (1 kg is the same as 2.2 lb). Print the converted value.

  3. Write a program that calculates the total surface area of your skin. This program will take in the users height and weight in inches and pounds. It will then convert those value to cm and kg before applying the following equation:


    BSA = body surface area
    W= weight in kg
    H= height in cm

*Note that even though is uses the height in cm the result is in meters squared.

To solve this equation, you will need to use the square root operator. You do this by importing the library math and then using the sqrt function. Iโ€™ve included a short piece of code here to demonstrate.

import math
num = int(input('Enter a number: ')
root = math.sqrt(num)
print('The square root of', num, 'is', root)